‘I have found it ridiculously helpful.’
Mark Ord, Fantasy Novelist.
'Peter’s feedback on the first three chapters of my manuscript gave me the inspiration and confidence to write again.'
Young Adult Novelist.
'I'm unbelievably happy with what you've sent me. You've given me some excellent areas to work on. I'm excited to get my head back into it now.'
Nicci-Jones, Novelist
When I first started writing I wanted my words to roll off the page, but it often felt clunky and nowhere near as smooth as the books I loved to read. In other words, I struggled with flow. The result? A flurry of rejection letters.
These days I've had five books published in multiple countries. The big change was discovering how to make my work flow.
Earlier this year some of my readers asked if I offered writing consultancy. I was intrigued by the idea and looked into it. I noticed that aspiring authors were often paying high amounts for advisors to look at their entire manuscript. That's great if you can afford it. Yet, I got the sense that looking at a smaller sample of work (for a much cheaper price) could make a surprisingly big difference to a writers technique. So I set up FLOW. Ever since, I've been massively encouraged to see that it genuinely helps people. Supporting authors is now a fun and rewarding addition to my own writing career.
So...I've got a few simple options for you to consider, and the main one costs £40
Short Flow: comments on a shorter sample of your work.
This is my most popular option, where I offer focused advice on your writing. Here you simply send me a short selection of your work (roughly ten pages), and I will make a thorough review. I'll point out your good and bad habits, as well as offering a re-edit to see the ideas in action. It's amazing how much gets spotted, even in ten pages.
After sending me your work, you'll get three documents back...
1) The Summary - Here, I'll list your good and bad habits.
2) Track Changes Edit - This is your work, with my detailed critique, line by line.
3) Alternative Edit - Here, I'll actively edit your pages,
so you can see the principles into practice.
These three documents will not just improve your flow for those particular pages. They will teach you principles that can be applied for all your future work. Previous clients have opted for ten, twenty, forty or sixty pages, but remember...a ten-page commentary really is enough to learn excellent habits. They can then be applied to everything you write from then on.
Cost: £40 for a full commentary on ten pages.
Just double the pages (and price) if you want more.
Full Flow: comments on your entire manuscript.
This is similar to the Short Flow, but will cover the entire book.
Cost: Due to the amount of time and work involved, this will be more in line with the standard editing advice services out there. I'll give you a free estimate based on the length of your manuscript.
General Flow: general advice on any aspect of writing.
Rather than me look at your work, you may simply want general advice - like writing tips or discussion of your plots and ideas, for example. You may need help with submitting your work to an agent or publisher. We'll meet together and discuss whatever you wish. While this wouldn’t involve me reading any of your work beforehand, you’d be welcome to bring samples if you wanted. If we couldn’t meet in person, we could do it over the phone or via Skype. You could choose to meet for one hour, or more if you prefer.
Cost: £60 per hour. (Travel expenses may be required depending on distance).
- You are welcome to combine any of the options above.
- I'm a traditionally published author, with various publishers worldwide. I am not a self-published author and so my advice on self-publishing would be limited.
- This is not a proofreading service. My skills aren't so much in spotting spelling mistakes or general grammar issues. My aim is to develop your voice as an author, and to help your writing connect with agents, publishers, or to publish yourself if you prefer.
If you want to ask any questions (without any commitment to the above) do get in touch at info@peterlaws.co.uk
Whether we work together or not, I wish you all the very best with your writing...because your story really does matter.